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Build With Rob is a show about building amazing companies while building an amazing life. Whether you’re a seasoned or aspiring entrepreneur, climbing the corporate ladder, or seeking to live an optimized, balanced life, Rob Dyrdek’s advice will help propel you toward your goals. Rob Dyrdek builds & invests in startups, takes them to multi-million dollar exits, and shares lessons along the way. His one-of-a-kind venture creation studio, Dyrdek Machine, is a company that builds companies by systematically fusing art, science and magic to manufacture amazing through a process called The Machine Method. In each episode, Rob provides mentorship to entrepreneurs looking to grow their companies and achieve the best version of themselves. With each guest laying out their visions for life and business and following up with questions for each, Rob gives actionable advice in his two greatest areas of mastery: building businesses and deep life optimization. On occasion, Rob sits down with his portfolio partners to discuss how the company was created, how the partnership took shape, and share valuable lessons they have learned along the way. It’s all about being the best version of yourself, doing the things that give you energy every day, minimizing those that take energy from you, and creating harmony to live an extraordinary life. Rob is here to help you achieve that dream. Listen to Build With Rob on Apple, Spotify, and most podcast platforms. To be a guest on the show and talk to Rob about your life and business visions, go to and submit a video.

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Imagine it and not just imagine it from the outside looking in, you have to imagine you are there, you have to feel the feeling of where you are. Smell the smells. Listen to the sounds. You have got to trick your mind and body into believing it is real when you your body does not know the difference. Between the realness in your mind and the realness of your reality. And the more that you can put into feeling it, the stronger of a flag you're gonna plant the universe that's going to conspire to pull you towards whatever it is you hope to manifest. Step 5. Take action. It wasn't till 2008 team. I was in a bit of a, you know, like, a bit of a pit of chaos. And my wife suggested, like, why don't we just watch the scene? You know, and I to remember the secret, and then the first fifteen minutes, it just shifted my b. Like, stop it. Look at who you are, what you've done, and look at, like, the good that has constantly have found its way to you. Don't lose sight of that, and I began to practice belief. So in of thinking in 2018, when they were talking about ending ridiculousness, and I was in season 12, I decided I wasn't going to manifest, season 13, I kept manifesting walking on the stage, introducing season 3rd. Holy cow. You're talking about the next season. You're thinking about because 20 seasons away. Right. The seas began to part, right, because what happened is because I owned the production I was able to negotiate directly with the head of the network on the unit economics of the show rather than talent and producing fees. And so we got to a place where we decided from a business perspective what was best for the

Is the baseline of the amount of money that you have to eventually earn, the amount of money you have to save and invest in this and the size of the money that you need to grow it to so that you can maintain that lifestyle. You need to define that specifically first above all and lock in with, like, if I had this much money every year to do this, to live in this house, to have this car, to to do this type of vacation, whatever whatever that is. Defining that once and for all and building a strategy against that is the first step. It's the very first step. And most people just sort of incrementally spend more if they make more and don't, you know, put a little away for a rainy day. You know, a lot of people try to focus on wanting to buy a house, you know. But it's if you just understand how much you spend and lock in on that, that is step 1 in financial clarity. Why do you want money? What type of lifestyle do you want? And how much does it cost to live? That's step 1. That's step 1. You lock in on that and you now have the baseline of the type of money you need to earn, save, and ultimately invest in in order to get to a point where you have that money to live that lifestyle the rest of your life, that is financial freedom. With that definition of the way that you live and and how you would spend money and then creating a strategy to be able to to have that money and not have to go out and work for it and use your time to get it. That's the baseline. That's the baseline. And now, the second one is the tricky one. So most people could get to that and it's really easy. But the tricky one is like, okay, where do I invest it? And investing in money, oh, it's so hard. And it's you don't have to figure out everything there is about money. You only have to figure out

Wanna just be in absolute harmony. And you know what it is. You always gotta have a vision. You always gotta be willing to create a plan to make sure you can even get there. Then you gotta put in the work to get there. Until next time. See you, believe it, do it.

Not in my twenties, but all the way to 40. All the way to 40. You know, in like most people, I didn't even, like, have any, remote understanding of what I was trying to become or ultimately who I was trying to become because I just assumed I would keep working really hard. And eventually, I would become the person that I wished I always would be. But I never defined it. I never defined it. And guess what? Since I never defined it, I never became the person. No matter how hard I worked, no matter how many things I did, no matter how much success I had, no matter how much money I made, I never became the person that I could possibly become because I never took the time to actually define it. It seems real obvious to me now that I have, you know, grown and evolved into not only the person I wished I was, but see beyond it. But it's this idea that, like, we just never take the time because we're always so focused on what we think one part of our life needs to change for us to ever be the version of ourselves that we think we're we're meant to be. We feel it in our in our subconscious and in the back of our mind. But we think we don't have time to deal with that right now because we're focused on this career thing that's actually going to lead us to then becoming the person that we believe we are meant to become. But the problem is is the career is just one part of it. You know? And I and I think even even for me, I I when I think about what it was like at at 38, 39 when I was basically at rock bottom in the sense of I had done so much, accomplished so much, yet I was exhausted and back to